  • Jul 2022 - Current
    Software Engineer

    I helped build Grammarly for Developers, a plugin to allow website owners to turn on Grammarly for all users of their website. Currently, I’m working to make internal developers more productive by improving the developer experience and tooling.

  • Aug 2017 - Jun 2022
    Principal Software Engineer

    At Devetry, and then DEPT, I lead teams working on client’s software projects. Sometimes that meant taking over a project that was in trouble, sometimes it meant starting a project from scratch. I was responsible for the technical direction of the project, the quality of the code, and the happiness of the team. I also worked with the sales team to help scope out and estimate new projects and with the client to make sure we were delivering what they needed.

    While I was at Devetry it grew from about 9 people to about 40, and then was acquired by DEPT. I helped shape the culture to be one of learning and growth by starting an engineering book club, presenting lunch and learns and coaching coworkers to present their own topics, and making it a priority to help more junior teammates.

  • Oct 2016 - Apr 2017
    Lead Instructor

    LaunchCode in St Louis offered a free 6-month bootcamp to teach programming to people who wanted to change careers. I was the lead instructor for one of the classes. I taught an introductory programming class of 150 students (assisted by a team of TAs). Students learned web programming using Python and Javascript. I had the highest retention rate among the five class sections during the same period. I created new curriculum pieces, as well as providing changes and feedback on the existing curriculum.

  • Jul 2014 - Jul 2017
    Software Engineer

    TopOPPS was a SaaS startup that plugged into CRMs like Salesforce and offered sales forecasting and an easier-to-use interface for updating Opportunities. I worked on the backend in Python and Django, the frontend in Javascript, and the database in PostgreSQL. I also helped with the sales process, assisting with demos and prioritizing key features to close deals. I mentored two interns who became full-time contributing team members. I also rearchitected the code to support CRMs other than Salesforce, increasing our market by hundreds of thousands of companies.

  • Jul 2013 - Jun 2014
    Data Scientist

    I worked on the Research & Development team at Nielsen, which meant that my work was extremely varied! I worked on a wide range of projects, from creating a web app to crop images to different aspect ratios using Mechanical Turk, to prototyping a system to remove projective distortion and estimate the size of goods on grocery shelves. I distilled research code for a geospatial machine learning problem into a command line tool, and created an iPad app for rapidly collecting locations and counts of stores and other structures. I also created a library for performing event-triggered-averages (aka peri-stimulus time histograms). I was a co-inventor on two patents from work at Nielsen. Most of my work was in Python, but I also used Matlab, Javascript, d3.js, C++, and Hadoop.